Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You....

by: Jennifer Stoy ( and Rachel Ehrentreu (

Rating: PG

Classification: SH

Summary: What would happen if you Disney-fied the Consortium?

Archive anywhere as long as our names and e-mails are attached.

Disclaimer: These characters are not ours: trust us on this one! They belong to CC and co, FOX, the style and music is Pure Disney; you know the drill. Okay, be afraid. Be very afraid. The consortium made us do it, we didn’t come up with this riding the DC metros! Help! Save us! Send us feedback! They’ll let us go if you do!

Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You.....

by Jennifer Stoy and Rachel Ehrentreu

From the people who brought you "The Lion King," "Pocahontas," and "Hercules" comes the story of heroism and love in a world gone wrong..... so here is a special look at Disney’s newest animated feature:

"Morphy: An Alien’s Story"

Matt Damon as the voice of Morphy

Harrison Ford as Morphy’s Dad

William B. Davis as Bob, the Smoking Man

Robin Williams as Buddy, the Grey Alien

David Duchovny as Spooky

Gillian Anderson as Scully

Meg Ryan as Samantha

(We see an alien bounty hunter, on top of a mountain)

Morphy: (song) I don’t know if I can do what I must do... I don’t know if I’m good as my father was—I feel so lost in this terrible world—can I save my people? Can I save this world?

Morphy—the touching tale of a young morphing alien, coming of age on a strange new planet. Sent to this world to save his people, he must replace his father on his vital mission to find a new home for Morphy, his family, and his world. But while Morphy is trying to achieve his goal, enemies lurk....

(Cut to a dark FBI basement. Spooky sits in his chair wearing his suit and glasses, playing with an icepick, while Scully sits there looking good in tight leather.)

Scully: Have you come up with a solution to our problem yet? This Morphy will ruin all our plans!

Spooky: (singing) Never fear, in my evil heart I’m brewing up a plan—a plan—to rid the earth of this unholy Alieeeeen...... it’s time that we’re aware of the danger that surrounds us—Scully—it’s time—it’s time—to use the pick!

Scully (half-singing): Use the pick?

Spooky (singing): It’s time, my dear, to use the pick. There’s no more time for chit-chat, there’s no more time for games—it’s a nasty little world out there, and if we want to succeed, we’ll have to stop being sentimental, and take out all the stops. It’s time, it’s time—to use the pick...

Scully (singing): All I’ve ever wanted was to take over the world—feel it squirm in my iron grip—I won’t let anyone stand in my way—especially not this Morphy—we can’t let him ruin the plans—yes, Spooky—use the pick...

Spooky: This Morphy, this brave little Morphy—he’ll soon learn not to mess with Spooky and his Ice Queen! Yes, Scully, we’ll use the pick....(brandishing the pick, and laughing evilly, like in "Bad Blood." Scully joins in. Fade out)

Morphy, with the help of his friends like Buddy the Grey and Bob the Smoking Man, must thwart the plottings of Spooky and Scully.

[Scene: Bob and Buddy and Morphy are all hanging out near a park bench]

Morphy: But I don’t understand, Bob! Why do people hate us? We just want to come to your world and help rid it of all its woes!

Buddy: Well, not all people are as open-minded and special as Bob and his friends. Some people are "freaks," like our "friend" Spooky-- (does a dead-on DD impression)-- Aliens! They’re comin’ to steal our world and lie to us about the Kennedy assassination! We gotta stop ‘em!-- you know, some people just need to RELAX a little bit!

Bob: Yes, I’m afraid Spooky is a problem, Morphy, but I’m confident that you’ll be able to convince him of the good intentions of your people and their friends on Earth.

(they launch into song)

Morphy: I have a mission here on Earth—why can’t humans understand? It’s not us against them, it’s not them against us—we can all live in happiness and share!

When Morphy meets the beautiful Samantha, he finds happiness and a new reason to want to save the Earth...

[Scene, in the middle of a field, Morphy and Samantha are walking hand in hand, looking up at the stars—oh, and they’re singing again.]

Morphy: My family’s up there somewhere....

Samantha: So is mine...I’ve never felt this way before—I feel like I could fly....

Morphy: Above the clouds—up to the stars—on nothing more than the feelings that are soaring in my soul....

Samantha: When you touch my hand, I finally understand—this emotion that humans call love—

Morphy: I love you, Samantha....

But can the love of Samantha and Morphy, as well as the hopes of Bob and his friends, survive what happens next....

Bob: I’ve found the woman of my dreams, Morphy! She’s beautiful, like an angel! I think you’ll really like her—Morphy, this is Dana. Dana, this is Morphy.

Scully (wearing Scarlett O’Hara emerald green ball gown): Hello, Morphy. I know we’re just going to be great friends. (grins)

Buddy: Somehow, I don’t-- (Scully kicks Buddy away)-- oww!

[cut scenes to Scully’s private dressing room, where Buddy is eavesdropping as Scully chatters on cell-phone]

Scully: It’s all working out better than we’d hoped—Bob’s been overcome by my psychic powers and is acting like a joke—Spooky, we keep this up, and we’ll have all that we’ve dreamed—soon we’ll get rid of that little Morphy, and the world will soon be ours—

Buddy: Oh, my gosh! I have to warn Morphy!

Morphy must face Spooky and Scully in a final showdown to determine the fate of his people, his friends, and Samantha....

Spooky (yelling to hidden Morphy): Hey, Morphy! Come out and play! I’ve got your little friends! (gestures with icepick where he’s got Samantha and Buddy locked up in a cage.)

Samantha: No, Morphy! Don’t take the bait! Save yourself!

Scully: Yeah, save yourself, Morphy! Let them die! Let me marry Bob in twenty minutes! It’s inevitable, you know we’ve won!

(fade to black—voiceover)

Morphy: Noooooo!

Coming this Summer—Morphy: An Alien’s Tale—only from Disney. Only in Theatres.



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